Professor Ahikire Josephine
Professor (Principal CHUSS)
Josephine Ahikire, Associate Professor, School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University. Over eighteen (18) years teaching Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University in the field of feminist theory, gender and politics, livelihood and cultural studies and accumulated research experience in gender and politics, livelihood and cultural studies. Has key skills in policy analysis and wealth of experience in gender training and gender development practice. Currently Dean, School of Women and Gender Studies. Also chair of the Gender theme for the African Studies Association 2015 (USA). Member of the National Governing Council, Uganda, for the African Peer Review Mechanisn (APRM).
Has extensive experience in research and has published widely in the fields of gender and politics, labour and cultural studies. The publications are internationally recognized and used in teaching in Universities across the African Continent, Europe and the Americas. Has published a entitled: Localised or Localised Democracy: Gender and the Politics of Decentralisation in Uganda, has received international acclaim.
Current research interests include Gender and Citizenship, particularly relating to social citizenship and livelihoods, women’s land rights and women’s strategic presence and political settlement. Current projects include Gender and political settlement, a collaborative project with University of Manchester UK and Large Scale land Acquisitions and implications on Women’s Land Rights at the Centre for Basic Research, in collaboration with University of Buea, Cameroon and University of Ghana, supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).