Gender and Digitalisation (GENDIG) project at Makerere University: Experience sharing by the exchange students #1

Andama Fred.
Pursuing Masters of Arts in Gender Studies has made me look at life in a more accommodative, compassionate and empathetic lens. I joined the masters class in Makerere University School of Women and Gender studies in 2022 afterbeing admitted in the 2021/2022 academic year. The hungerand desire to learn from the richness that the School provided in terms of dedicated and experienced lecturers, Library resource and open minded course mates helped me shape and sharpen my ambition to pursue the course. The Imaginaries of gender in day to day discussions and work spaces is characterised by inadequate subject matter which commonly leads to the use of ill-informed methods in addressingsystemic gender inequalities. These inequalities influence howshocks and crisis are managed in Uganda.
The exchange program between Makerere University and theUniversity of Agder (UiA) in Kristiansand (Norway) has given me an opportunity to study Masters in Global Development Crisis and Change. This program helps me to improve on my research skills and understanding of the different types of Crisis within our communities, nation,region and globe at large. My Gender grounding plays an important role in discussing Crisis with a targeted approach to answer the question of who is most affected by the crisis and excluded in the management. This approach provides an al-inclusive augment in the pursuit of the master’s course.
Climate crisis, Financial crisis Health Crisis and all other types of Natural crisis are not uncommon in Uganda Africa and the world at large. A gendered approach to researching crisis the way to go research if policy making process and interventions are to be supported by knowledge creation to improve the livelihood of people.
I intend to use my time of studying in Norway to gain more knowledge in understanding Global crisis, and improve my writing skills to inform policy and provide rich alternatives for interventions in crisis management.
I thank the school of women and gender studies for entrusting me to take this course.