Review Workshop of the Education Sector Toolkit on Gender Equality

The School of Women and Gender Studies in partnership with the University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) established the Gender Equality Project (GEP) whose sole purpose is to deepen gender equality legislation in Uganda, through bringing gender equality principles and practices to the lowest level gender policy maker or actor. With funding from the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF), the first phase of the GEP produced reports on The Political Economy Analysis of the Gender Legislative Framework in Uganda and A Matrix and Analysis of the Gender Equality Legislative Framework in Uganda. These two studies informed the development of a Gender Equality Toolkit. The second phase of the GEP is focused on developing sector specific toolkits to deepen gender equality in sectors with the most pressing gender issues. First on the list has been to develop an Education Sector toolkit on Gender Equality that aims to provide information for gender equality results, indicators, and measurements within the education sector. In this regard, the Gender Equality Project hosted a two-day workshop attended by officials from the Ministry of Education and Sports, Kampala City Council Authority and District Education Officers from the four implementation districts of Gulu, Masaka, Mbale and Rubanda. In addition the meeting was attended by secondary and primary school teachers selected to represent public and private sector schools. The meeting was facilitated by Dr. David Mpiima and Dr. Frederick Kindi, both staff of the School of Women and Gender Studies.