School of Women and Gender Studies Staff Win Mak-RIF Grants to Respond to COVID-19

To respond to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, 110 short-term proposals for research and innovation were awarded by Makerere University under the Mak-RIF grant. Of the 110 researchers, 4 are staff of the School of Women and Gender Studies (SWGS) including, Associate Prof. Josephine Ahikire, Dr. Amon Ashaba Mwiine, Dr. Catherine Pauline Anena, and Dr. Peace Musiimenta.
The six-month initiative, which commenced on May 26, 2020, aims to determine how COVID-19 unfolds in the unique settings of Uganda, and to develop innovative approaches to address the pandemic. The awarded projects include novel research studies to address public health issues related to COVID-19, COVID-19’s social-economic impact in Uganda, preventive methods, COVID-19’s treatment, and management.
- Men and Gender Based Violence: Changing Masculinities for Effective COVID 19 Social Response in Uganda, by Associate Prof. Josephine Ahikire and Dr. Amon Ashaba Mwiine
- Promoting Uptake of Recommended Public Health Practices for Prevention of COVID-19 among Refugee Communities in Northern Uganda, by Dr. Catherine Pauline Anena
- Public sensitization on Virtual learning adoptability as a tool to boost Post-Covid 19 Education system in Uganda, by Dr. Peace Musiimenta
Photo credit: EACCR2
See full list of awardees here.