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BA – Gender and Development (under the BA in Social Sciences)

Objectives of the GAD Programme

The subject of GAD is offered as a component of the BA Social Sciences Programmes. The overall objective of the GAD subject is to develop the intellectual and analytical capacity of students through teaching and research on the concepts and theories of gender and development and their applicability to other disciplines.

The Specific Objectives

  1. Provide a sound theoretical foundation in Gender and Development.
  2. Ensure that gender specificity and sensitivity are part of the knowledge base.
  3. Understand the significance of gender for development policy and projects/programmes.
  4. Provide a foundation in gender and women’s studies discipline to students intending to pursue post-graduate studies.
  5. Meet the growing demand for gender-responsive skills in development.

5.4.3   Structure of GAD Programme

The three year undergraduate programme runs on the semester system. There are two semesters (17 weeks each) a year. The entire programme of instruction lasts for a total period of 126 weeks. The programme follows the Major/Minor structure.  Minor subjects may be taken outside the College of Humanities and Social Sciences or from units within the College.

Year 1

The first year student takes six (6) courses each semester of which two are core courses in Gender and Development

Year 2 and 3

Major in GAD: two (2) core courses plus one elective in GAD and one course in minor per semester

Minor in GAD: one (1) core course in GAD plus two courses in major area per semester

Each course represents a total of four contact hours per week, amounting to a total of 60 contact hours per Semester.

5.4.4 BA Programme courses


YEAR 1 Semester I CH CU
GAD1104 core Introduction to Theories of Gender and Development 45 3
GAD1105 core Gender, Culture and Society 45 3
  Semester II    
GAD1204 core Introduction to Feminist theory 45 3
GAD1205 core The International Women’s Movement 45 3


YEAR 2 Semester I    
GAD2105 core Gender, Politics and the State 60 4
GAD2106 core Gendered Identities and Representation 60 4
GAD2108 Gender, Conflict and Displacement 45 3
GAD2109 Gender and Social Sector 45 3
  Semester II    
GAD2209 Approaches to Gender and Development Practice 60 4
SOC2201 Research Methodology II: Ethnographic Theory and Method 60 4
GAD2210 Feminist Economics 45 3
GAD2211 Gender, Science and Technology 45 3
GAD2212 Feminism and Religion 45 3


YEAR 3 Semester I    
GAD3104 Feminist Theory 60 4
GAD3105 Sexuality: Concepts and Perspectives 60 4
GAD3106 Feminism, Activism & Civil Society 45 3
PAM3100 Human Resource Development and Management 45 3
GAD3107 Gender and Development Strategies in Uganda 45 3
  Semester II    
GAD3209 Gender, the Law and Human Rights 60 4
GAD3210 Feminist Perspective of Sustainable Development 60 4
GAD3211 Gender and Globalization 45 3
GAD3212 Gender Based Violence 45 3
GAD3213 Men’s Studies: Masculinities and Development 45 3
GAD3209 Dissertation 45 3