Post Graduate Diploma in Gender and Local Economic Development

GLED is a Post-graduate Diploma running on a two-semester arrangement as a day programme (five working days of the week). It is housed by the SWGS and is taught by a consortium of staff from SWGS, department of Development Economic (COBAMS) and Social Work and Social Administration (College of Humanities and Social Science).  Resources persons are additionally drawn from several institutions both within and outside the University, for example, NARO, MoFPED, African Union (AU) and others to boost the practical element of the programme.

To qualify for the programme, participants need a Bachelors’ degree from a recognised institution (accredited) and two years of work experience.

The main objective of the course, Dr. Sengendo highlighted is to “provide skills and knowledge for practical application of Gender Focused Concepts and LED tools” in:

  1. Planning
  2. Implementing and monitoring of policies and programmes at central as well as local government levels, institutions and private sector.

To achieve the above goals, participants are trained, with a conscious effort to impart skills to them informed by the 3 main pillars of LED, that is: (a) Locality Development; (b) Local Enterprise Development; and (c) Local Economic Governance. As gender is integrated in the training of LED, the cross cutting development issues of Gender Equity and Women’s Empowerment, Human Rights, Access to Commercial Justice, Natural Resource Management and Environmental changes including Climate change and Psycho – Social Support in Economic regeneration are inherently imparted alongside.

Course Units

1 GDS 6100 – Introduction to Theory and Practice in Gender and Local Economic Development
2 DGS 6101 – Skills for Gender Sensitive Planning and Monitoring
3 DGS 6102 –  Gender analysis in Local Econmoic Development
4 DGS 6103 – Gender Mainstreaming in Policies, Projects and Institutions.
5 DGS 6104 – Gender, Rights and Development.
6 DGS 6205 – Gender Focused Research.
7 DGS 6206 – Gender Poverty, Analysis and Economic empowerment.
8 DGS 6207 – Gender and ICT in Society
9 DGS 6208 – Gender skills Practicum and Field work (Field Report)
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