Amon Ashaba Mwiine
Country of Origin: Uganda
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Amon Ashaba Mwiine is a Lecturer in the School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University. He holds a PhD (Sociology) from Stellenbosch University, South Africa. At Makerere University, he teaches on courses that include; Men Studies: Masculinities and Development; Gender and Sexuality and Feminist theory. His research interests are in Critical studies of men and Masculinity; ethnographic and narrative forms of qualitative research; gender and politics. Dr Mwiine holds a 2-year fellowship in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University (2019-2021), supported by Andrew W. Mellon foundation. His research project interrogates ways in which feminist activism encounters notions on men and masculinities and the implications these dialogic interactions have for critical feminist theory and practice.
Dr Mwiine is currently a facilitator of the Men’s Hubs, a sub-component of the KISH project in the School of Women and Gender Studies. In June 2019, Dr Mwiine was appointed a member of the Vice Chancellor’s Roster of 100. These are persons of high integrity, appointed by the VC and trained by Gender Mainstreaming Directorate, Makerere University as a collective pool from whom to constitute temporal committees to investigate cases of sexual harassment. Recent research include: Negotiating patriarchy? Exploring the ambiguities of the narratives on “male champions” of gender equality in Uganda Parliament. Agenda. 33(1):108–116.
Book Chapters
Ahikire, J., & Mwiine, A. (2019). Contesting ideas, aligning incentives: The politics of Uganda’s Domestic Violence Act (2010). In S. Nazneen, S. Hickey, & S. Eleni (Eds.), Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South: The Politics of Domestic Violence Policy (pp. 67–87). London & New York: Routledge.
Mwiine, A., & Bantebya-Kyobuhendo. (2015). Poverty the invisible and inseparable “shadow”: Reflections from the media and the better off in rural Uganda. In E. Chase & Bantebya-Kyomuhendo (Eds.), Poverty and Shame: Global Experiences (pp. 205–217). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Journal articles & Working Papers
- Morgan, R., Baker, P., Grif, D. M., Klein, S. L., Logie, C. H., Mwiine, A. , … Wenham, C. (2021). Beyond a Zero-Sum Game: How Does the Impact of COVID-19 Vary by Gender? Frontiers in Sociology, 6(June), 1–11.
- Ahikire, J., & Mwiine, A. A. (2020b). Gender Equitable Change and the Place of Informal Networks in Uganda’s Legislative Policy Reforms (No. 134). Manchester.
- Ahikire, J., & Mwiine, A. A. (2020c). Men and Gender Based Violence: Changing Masculinities for Effective COVID-19 Social Response in Uganda. Kampala – Uganda.
- Mwiine, Amon. A. (2019a). “ Madam Speaker , these are colleagues who are learning to speak , can I allow them to speak ?”: Gendered performances and ethnographic observations in the Parliament of Uganda. International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies, 3(1), 60–75.
- Mwiine, Amon. A. (2019b). Negotiating patriarchy? Exploring the ambiguities of the narratives on “male champions” of gender equality in Uganda Parliament. Agenda, 33(1), 108–116.
- Mwiine, Amon. A. (2018). Promoters of Gender Equality? A Study of the Social Construction of Specific Male Parliamentarians as “Male Champions” in Uganda. Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
- Ahikire, J., Musiimenta, P., & Mwiine, A. A. (2015). Making a Difference: Embracing the challenge of women’s substantive engagement in political leadership in Uganda. Feminist Africa, (20), 23–42.
- Ahikire, J., & Mwiine, A. A. (2015). The politics of promoting gender equity in contemporary Uganda: Cases of the Domestic Violence Law and the policy on Universal Primary Education (No. 55). Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Bantebya-Kyomuhendo, G., & Mwiine, A. A. (2014). ‘Food that cannot be eaten’: the shame of Uganda’s anti-poverty policies. In E. K. Gubrium, S. Pellissery, & I. Lødemel (Eds.), The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies. (pp. 157–178). Clifton, Bristol: University of Bristol policy press.
- Mwiine, WALKER, R., Bantebya-Kyomuhendo, G., CHASE, E., CHOUDHRY, E., GUBRIUM, S., NICOLA, E. K., Y, L. Ø. D. E. M. E. L., MATHEW, I., and PELLISSERY, S., “Poverty in Global Perspective: Is Shame a Common Denominator?”, Journal of Social Policy, vol. 42, pp. 215-233, 2013
- Mwiine A. A 2020. Perspective: The struggle for gender justice in Uganda, Countering Backlash, reclaiming Gender Justice, IDS, UK
- Mwiine, A.A. 2020a. Men in Kitchens and the (re) configurations of masculinity in domestic spaces during Covid-19 Lockdown in Uganda. [Online], Available: .
- Mwiine, A.A. 2020b. COVID-19 global disruptions and the changing masculinities: Critical reflections from Uganda. [Online], Available: [2020, May 09].
- Covid-19 and Changing Masculinities:
- Mwiine, A.A. & Ahikire, J. 2020. What a viral video of gender-based violence tells us about conflict affected northern Uganda. London School of Economics Blog. [Online], Available:
- Ahikire, J., & Mwiine, A. A. (2020a). COVID-19, ‘Nested newness’ and Changing Masculinities in Uganda. Kampala – Uganda. Retrieved from
Courses Taught
- GAD 1104: Introduction to Concepts and Theories of Gender and Development
- Gender and Development (GAD) 1204: Introduction to feminist Theory
- GAD 3106: Feminist Activism and Civil Society
- GAD 3209: Men Studies: Masculinities and Development
Research grants/Projects carried out
2020-2021Conducting a National research project on Men, Masculinities and the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Realisation in Uganda. The project is supported by Center for Health and Human Rights (CEHURD) Uganda
2020 – 2025: Co-researcher on SIDA Supported project on Countering Backlash, Reclaiming Gender Justice. This is a-5-year project (2020-2025) multi-country initiative (East Africa (Uganda and Kenya); South Asia (India, Bangladesh); Middle East ( Lebanon) and Latin America (Brazil) to interrogate different forms of backlash in gender equity work.
2019 – 2024; Co-investigator, Beyond war compensation: Gender Justice, Livelihood and Land Rights research project, in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The project is part of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) – Gender Justice and Security Hub project supported by the United Kingdom Research Innovation (UKRI), and coordinated by the London School of Economics and Political Science.
May 2020: Research Innovation Fund (RiF) grant (as a co-researcher) by Makerere University on the Social response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda.
- The project is entitled “Men and Gender Based Violence: Changing Masculinities for Effective COVID”
- Grant – Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) Special COVID-19 call.
- Principal Investigator (PI) – Associate Prof. Josephine Ahikire, Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University.
UNDP Certified Gender Auditor. December- 2019 – January 2020: Conducted a participatory Gender Audit of the Brooke, Central London (UK) – an international animal charity that promotes welfare of working horses, donkeys and mules. The audit was conducted in Brooke UK, covering six other countries (India, Pakistan, Kenya, Senegal, Nicaragua, Ethiopia) affiliated to the Brooke UK.
The 2019: won a research grant (Uganda shillings 27,620,000) and conducted a mapping study on sexual harassment in Gulu University. Study conducted in Gulu University, supported by GMS Makerere University, UN Women, and the embassy of Sweden. Study findings used to inform the drafting of Gulu University Policy against Sexual Harassment.
2019-2021- 2-year academic grant worth $20,000 (Andrew W. Mellon research fellowship in the college of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University). The fellowship project focuses on Interrogating feminist encounter with men and masculinities.
Responsibilities held
2020 – 2021: Member of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Scientific Committee leading the organising of the National Humanities conference for 2021, Makerere University
2020: Member of the Gender and Covid-19 working group. The group brings together academics from around the world, we conduct real time gender analysis to identify and document the gendered dynamics of COVID-19 and gaps in preparedness and response.
2020: Member of the Global Action for Men’s Health. The working group brings together academicians and practitioners across the world to research, share and collectively reflect on contemporary concerns in masculinities and men’s health globally .
April 2019- May 2021: Elected Vice president, Family ministry, St. Francis Chapel Makerere University. As a vice president, I lead the married’s ministry and pre-marriage counselling at St. Francis Chapel, Makerere University. One of the key areas is to sensitize married couples on gender equity practices for godly marriages.
June/July 2019: Appointed a member of the Vice Chancellor’s Roster of 100. These are persons of high integrity, appointed by the VC and trained by GMD as a collective pool from whom to constitute temporal committees to investigate cases of sexual harassment.
Seminars presented
June 2020: Co-hosted and presented on a Seminar with the London School of Economics under the UKRI GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub. Professor Josephine Ahikire and Dr. Amon Mwiine (College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University) presented a paper entitled ‘On Nested Post-war Conflict on Land, Livelihoods and Social Belonging in Northern Uganda’ on 4th June, 4-5pm (EAT)/ 2-3pm (BST), through a Zoom Meeting.
- The paper picked up on an article Ahikire and I had written ‘What a viral video of gender-based violence tells us about conflict affected northern Uganda’and published on the LSE WPS blog (Mwiine & Ahikire, 2020) –
Masculinities and SRHR in Uganda: A breakfast meeting show hosted by NBS TV Uganda on July 28th 2021.