Dr. Ebila Florence
Florence Ebila is a Lecturer in the School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University, Kampala. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Hons), and a Masters Degree in Women’s Studies of Makerere University – Kampala. She also has a Masters and a PhD in African Languages and Literature from the University of Wisconsin, Madison- USA. Her research interest is in gender, autobiographies of African women, conflict, cultural and urban studies.
Florence is an Andrew Mellon Fellow carrying out research on the relationship between women’s autobiography and history. She has been a Fulbright Scholar, a Cambridge Africa Research for Excellence CAPREX/ ALBARODA Postdoctoral Fellow, and an African Humanities Program (AHP) Postdoctoral Fellow. She is a member of the Center of Excellence in Notions of Identities, Makerere University which collaborates with five other Public Universities in Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa and Nigeria. She is also part of the collaboration between Makerere and the Centre of Excellence for Urbanization and Habitable Cities at University of Lagos, Nigeria under African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA).
Courses Taught
- Gender Identities and Representation
- Gender Based Violence
- Sexuality, Concepts and Perspectives
- Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Development
- Gender in History
Grants Won
- 2019-2021 – The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s Grant for Early Career Scholars’ research in the Humanities. College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Makerere University, Kampala
- 2018 – Fulbright Scholar in Residence, Northwest Community College, Wyoming for Intercultural Exchange, teaching and research.
- 2018-2019 – CAPREx/ALBARODA Fellowship; for research on memories and experiences of formerly abducted ‘Girl-Child Soldiers’ of the Lord’s Resistance Army.
- 2017-2018 – CAPREx Post-doctoral Research Fellowship; for research on “Gendered Experiences; Nostalgia and Memory in Selected Written and Oral Ugandan War Narratives.”
- 2013 – African Humanities Program / American Council of Learned Societies (AHP/ACLS), Post-doctoral research and publication of Book Manuscript on “Gender and Nationalism in African Women’s Political Autobiographies: The Case of Wangari Muta Maathai, Elizabeth Bagaaya Nyabongo and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.”
- 2010-2011 – American Association of University Women (AAUW) Doctoral dissertation completion Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- 2005 – University of Wisconsin, Madison First year Doctoral scholarship Award.
Collaborative Research Grants Won
- 2021: Florence Ebila and Sandra Acheng; Future Challenges Grant for research on “Enhancing Women’s Rights Online through Inclusive and Effective Response to Online Gender Based Violence in Uganda,” a research collaboration with Women of Uganda Network WOUGNET.
- 2019-2021: Adam Branch, Florence Ebila, Patrick Byakagaba, Eric Awich Ochen From Fuelling Violence to Fuelling Peace: Charcoal and Environmental Justice in East Africa; a research collaboration between Makerere University and University of Cambridge involving scholars and research partners from ICRAF- World Agroforestry, Nairobi, The Sudd Institute Juba, Human Rights Focus, Gulu- Uganda and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology- Ghana.
- 2019: Researcher, Center of Excellence in Notions of Identities, Makerere University funded by UKRI/African Universities Alliance (ARUA) doing a collaborative research on Strengthening Capacity for Research and Policy Engagement in Shifting Notions of Motherhood and Fatherhood for Improved Children’s Wellbeing in Contemporary Africa together with University of Ibadan (UI), University of Ghana (UG), University of Rwanda (UR) University of Witwatersrand (UW) and University of Western Cape (UWC).
- 2019: On going Researcher and Editor Centre of Excellence for Urbanization and Habitable Cities, University of Lagos (UNILAG), Nigeria funded by UKRI/ African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA).
- 2021: Anicent Nyangoma, F. Ebila & J. Omona (2021) Gender differentiated perceptions held for triggers of child neglect in post-conflict northern Uganda, Journal of Gender Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2021.1882295
- 2020: Ebila Florence, and Zuzana Uhde eds. “Feminist Perspectives on Social Struggles in Eastern Africa.” Gender a vyzkum / Gender and Research 21.1 (2020): 3-17.
- 2020: Florence Ebila. ‘Loss and Trauma in Ugandan Girls’ Ex-Child-Soldier Autobiographical Narratives: The Case of Grace Akallo and China Keitetsi.’ Journal of a/b Autobiography Studies Vol. 35, 2020- Issue 3: The Textualities of the Autobiographical. https://doi.org/10.1080/08989575.2020.1759871 . pp 533-555
- 2019: Anicent Nyangoma, Florence Ebila & Julius Omona (2019) Child Sexual Abuse and Situational Context: Children’s Experiences in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 28:8, 907-926, DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2019.1660445
- 2017: Florence Ebila and Aili Mari Tripp, “Naked Transgressions: Gendered Symbolisms in Ugandan Land Protests,” Journal of Politics, Groups and Identities, Routledge, Vol 5. Issue 1: Body Politics. DOI:10.1080/21565503.2016.1273122, pp.25-45
- 2015: Florence Ebila. ‘A Proper Woman, in the African Tradition’: The Construction of Gender and Nationalism in Wangari Maathai’s Autobiography Unbowed, in Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde 52 (1) 2015 available at www. Letterkunde.up.ac.za/argief/52_1/10 Ebila WEB
- 2006: Florence Ebila. Uganda: Mainstreaming Gender into the Policy: Examining the Uganda’s Gender Water Strategy,” first published by the UN in 2006 under Gender Water and Sanitation, Case Studies and Best practices at http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/sdissues/water/casestudies_bestpractices.pdf and also available at the Directorate of Water and development website: http://www.dwd.co.ug
- 2002: Florence Ebila. “Women Watering the Literary Desert,” A Chapter in The Women’s Movement in Uganda, edited by Aili Mari Tripp and Joy Kwesiga 2002, Fountain Publishers, Kampala.
- 2001: Florence Ebila “Negotiating Gender Relations and Socialization Through Oral Poetry in Lango Society.” Department of Women and Gender Studies, Occasional Paper Number 1
- MAWAZO, The Journal of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala
- African Journal of Housing and Sustainable Development, University of Lagos, Nigeria
- Guest Editor, Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research, 2020 (vol. 21), Issue 1 which had a Special Issue on Struggles, Memory and Resilience in Eastern Africa. Refer to https://www.genderonline.cz/en/magno/gav/2020/mn1.php?l=en
- FOCUS Magazine, Gender Mainstreaming Directorate, Makerere University
Edited Books
Ebila F., and F.K. Muhanguzi 2006. (eds). Women, Culture and Creativity. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
One of the Associate Editors of Women Writing Africa, Eastern Volume, New York: The Feminist Press, 2003.
- 2018 Fulbright Scholar in Residence Fellow
- 2017 Cambridge Africa Partnership Research (CAPREX)/ ALBARODA Fellow
- 2013 African Humanities Program (AHP) Fellow
- 2010 International Fellow, American Association of University Women, (AAUW)
- 2020 Member, Uganda Reach the Aged Association (URAA)
- 2018 on going Member of Senate, Lira University, Lira- Uganda
- 2020 on going Member of Council, Lira University, Lira- Uganda
- Member, Uganda Women Writers (FEMRITE)
- Member, Makerere University Academic Staff Association (MUASA)
- Member, Lango Development Forum (LDF)
- Founder Member and Co-Director, Rafnet Investments Limited- Uganda