Dr. Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi Florence
Associate Professor
Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi is an Associate Professor of women and gender studies and Senior Researcher in the fields of gender and social development. She has extensive experience in gender and feminist research in areas including education, sexual and reproductive health, social protection, sexual and gender-based violence, women’s economic empowerment and climate change. She has vast experience in both quantitative and participatory qualitative research and policy engagement. She has published in refereed journals and books widely on issues of gender and women’s well being. She is a gender trainer, activist and passionate about empowerment of adolescent girls and women.
Updated qualifications
2003 – 2005 Doctor of Philosophy (Gender Studies), University of Cape Town, South Africa.
1994 – 1996 Master of Arts in Demography, Makerere University, Kampala.
1994 – 1995 Postgraduate Diploma in Demography, Makerere University, Kampala.
1990 –1993 Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences (Economics and Sociology), Makerere University, Kampala.
Courses taught
Research Methodology I and II
Sexuality Concepts and Perspectives
Feminist Perspectives of Sustainable Development
Grants won, past and present/ projects you are working on. If there are any photos that you would like to share do send them too.
Oct 2020 to date Principal Investigator: Strengthening Women Smallholders’ Resilience to Agricultural Shocks for Enhanced Income Diversification and Empowerment in Uganda; USAID supported project under the Feed the Future Advancing Local Leadership, Innovation and Networks (ALL-IN) program.
Jan 2021 to date Co-Principal Investigator: From Promises to Actions: Shifting gender norms and public perceptions about unpaid care work in workplaces and families in Uganda supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) under the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) – East Africa Programme.
March 2020 to date: Principal Investigator: Gender and Utilization of Briquettes as a Replacement Fuel for Charcoal and Firewood in Uganda, Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund, Makerere University, Kampala.
Oct. 2019 to date, Co-Principal Investigator: KISH Project (Whole University Approach: Kicking Sexual Harassment out of Higher Education Institutions in Uganda) – supported by Makerere University Innovations Fund.
Apr 2007 – Dec. 2011, Principle Investigator: Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation supported under NUFU programme by the Norwegian Government
- Tumushabe J., C.A. Barasa, F.K. Muhanguzi and J.F. Otim Nape (1999) Gender and Primary schooling in Uganda, MOES/IDS London UK.
- Baguma P. and F.K. Muhanguzi (1999) Gender Inequalities in Education, Education Policy and the Budget in Uganda, Gender Budget Project
Articles in refereed Journals
- Muhanguzi, F.K Gender and Sexual Vulnerability of Young women in Africa: Experiences of young Girls in Secondary Schools in Uganda, Journal of Culture, Health and Sexuality, 13: 6, 713 – 725.
- Muhanguzi, F.K., Bennett J. H.R.D Muhanguzi 2011. The Construction and Mediation of Sexuality and Gender Relations: Experiences of Girls and Boys in Secondary Schools in Uganda, Feminist Formations, 23:3, 135 – 152.
- Muhanguzi, F.K. and Ninsiima, A. K. 2011. Embracing Teen Sexuality: Teenagers’ Assessment of Sexuality Education in Uganda, Agenda, 25:3, 54 – 63
- Ahumuza, S. E., J.K.B. Matovu, J. B. Ddamulira and K. Muhanguzi 2014. Challenges in accessing sexual and reproductive health services by people with physical disabilities in Kampala, Uganda. Reproductive Health, 11 (59), 1-9.
- Muhanguzi, F.K. 2015. “Sex is sweet” Women from low-income contexts in Uganda talk about sexual desire and pleasure. Reproductive Health Matters, 23(46), 62-70
- Muhanguzi, F.K. Governance of Social Protection Initiatives to address gendered poverty in Uganda: Beyond mere tokenism of women on governance committees, Policy in Focus, 14 (1), 18 – 20
- Muhanguzi, F.K., Bantebya Kyomuhendo and C. Watson 2017. Social institutions as mediating sites for changing gender norms: Nurturing girl’s resilience to child marriage in Uganda. Agenda,112/31(2), 109 -119
- Mootz, J.J., K. Muhanguzi, P. Panko, P. M. Onyango Mangen, Milton L. Wainberg, Ilana Pinsky and Kaveh Khoshnood, (2018). Armed conflict, alcohol misuse, decision making, and intimate partner violence among women in North-eastern Uganda: a population level study. Conflict and health, 12 (37), 1-11.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
- Muhanguzi, F.K; J. Ahikire, S. Gerrad and L. Nordbroend, 2014. An Introduction: Partnerships and Social Justice: Research and Academic Collaboration between North and South on Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation, in Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo, Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi, Josephine Ahikire and Sirri Gerrad (eds), Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
- Muhanguzi,F.K. 2014“Sex Is Sweet”: Low-Income Women in Uganda Talk About Sexual Desire And Pleasure, in G. Bantebya Kyomuhendo, J. Ahikire, .F.K. Muhanguzi and Sirri Gerrad (eds), Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
- Muhanguzi F. K. 2018. Governance of non-state social protection initiatives for addressing gendered poverty in Uganda: Beyond counting of women on Governance Committees. In Awortwi Nicholas and Gregor Waltter-Drop (eds) 2018. Non-State Social Protection Actors and Services in Africa: Governance Below the State, Routledge: London. 117 – 134
- Watson, C. G.B. Kyomuhendo, and K. Muhanguzi 2018. “The paradox of change and continuity in social norms and practices affecting adolescent girls’ capabilities and transitions to adulthood in rural Uganda.” In C. Harper, N. Jones, A. Ghimire,R. Marcus and G.B. Kyomuhendo (eds) Empowering Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries: Gender Justice and Norm Change, Routledge: London. 83-101
- Kyomuhendo, G.B, F.K. Muhanguzi and C. Watson 2018. “From national laws and policies to local programmes: obstacles and opportunities in communications for adolescent girls’ empowerment in Uganda.” In C. Harper, N. Jones, A. Ghimire,R. Marcus and G.B. Kyomuhendo (eds) Empowering Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries: Gender Justice and Norm Change, Routledge: London 102-119
- Muhanguzi,K. 2019. Women and Girls Education in Africa in O.Yacob-Haliso and T.Falola (eds). The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies. Palgrave Macmillan (1-18).
- Kyomuhendo G.B., K. Muhanguzi and Chase E. 2019. Children and Young People’s Experiences of Managing Poverty-Related Shame in Uganda and the United Kingdom, In K. Roelen, R. Morgan and Y. Tafere (eds.) Putting Children First New Frontiers in The Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa. Ibidem-Verlag, Stuttgart.
- Muhanguzi, F.K. and G.B. Kyomuhendo, (2021). “Teenage Pregnancy and social inequality: An impediment for achieving schooling for all in Uganda” In Rose, M. Arnot, R. Jeffery, and N. Singal (eds) Reforming Education, Challenging Inequalities in Southern contexts: Research and Policy in International Development. Routledge: London. Pp 165-184
- Musiimenta, P., Muhanguzi, F.K and J. Ahukire (2021). At the crossroads: Educated women negotiating marital dilemmas in Urban Uganda. In G. Motsaathebe (ed) Education in Africa: Perspectives, opportunities and challenges. Nova Science Publishers: New York pp 149-177
Edited Books
- Ebila F., and K. Muhanguzi 2006. (eds)Women, Culture and Creativity. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
- Kyomuhendo Bantebya, G., K. Muhanguzi, J. Ahikire and S. Gerrad (eds), 2014. Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
Working Papers
Muhanguzi, F.K, Muhumuza, Fred K. and Okello, J., 2016. Governance of Non-State Social Protection Initiatives: Implications of addressing gendered vulnerability to poverty in Uganda. PASGR Working Paper 006, Nairobi.